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João Batista Nascimento Gregorie

Post-Doctoral Fellow
Academic Year

Dissertation Title

For a True Democracy: Black Political Activism in Military Brazil


João Batista Nascimento Gregoire earned a Ph.D. in History from the University of Kansas. João is currently writing a book provisionally entitled For a True Democracy: Black Political Activism in Military Brazil. His work examines the intersection between the Brazilian Black movement and the process of re-democratization, as well as the engagement of Black organized militancy with the larger conceptualization of human rights.

Joao’s scholarship has been published in the peer-reviewed journals The Black ScholarBrasiliana: Journal for Brazilian Studies, and The Latin Americanist. He is also the recipient of the Jon Tolman Award (2022) from the Brazilian Studies Association (BRASA), and the James R. Scobie Prize (2020) from the Conference on Latin American History (CLAH). 

University of Kansas