African American and African Studies Minor
Requirements for an AAS Minor
A minor in African American and African Studies consists of completion of AAS 1010 and AAS 1020 with a grade of C or better in each course; twelve credits beyond AAS 1010 and AAS 1020, chosen from the list of approved courses posted on the Woodson Institute’s website; and a minimum GPA of 2.0 in all courses counted toward the minor. Up to six credits of relevant study abroad may apply to the minor with the prior approval of Director of Undergraduate Programs.
Students considering a minor in African American and African Studies may consult any AAS faculty advisor, or contact the Director of Undergraduate Programs (DUP), Anne Rotich
The procedure for declaring a minor in African American and African Studies is now entirely electronic. The steps are as follows:
1. To be ready to declare, you have to have already passed either or both AAS 1010 and 1020 with a C or better.
2. If this is the case, then fill out the AAS Minor Worksheet provided below. Make sure to complete all the sections: your name, intended graduation date, and all the course information section (using your SIS record of courses you’ve already taken for the minor, and the AAS course page on our website to find courses you can take in future semesters to fulfill the listed requirements). Make sure to put the course number, the full course title, and the semester you’ve taken it or plan to take it.
3. Once you’ve completed the form, email it to the Director of Undergraduate Programs (DUP) who will review your curricular plans and determine if a meeting is necessary. If you’re having any issues or need advice about particular courses, contact the Anne Rotich (DUP) by email.
4. After the DUP has reviewed and approved your curricular plans, you’ll transfer the information to the registrar’s electronic submissions form. Please do not proceed to this step until your worksheet has been approved!
African American and African Studies Minor Declaration Form (PDF)