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Frequently Asked Questions

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Q: The application requires 3 letters of reference. Must the 3 references be the people sending in your recommendation letters or three different individuals?

A: The same three individuals completing your recommendations should be listed as your three references in the application document.  Only three letters are required. Applicants should instruct 3 individuals to send letters of reference to a designated email address that corresponds to each application year. That email address is available on the application instructions for each fellowship position. Applicants should not submit the letters themselves. 

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Q: Must the working bibliography be annotated?

A: A bibliography of scholarship informing your project.  It need not be annotated.

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Q: To whom should I direct my cover letter?

A: Cover letters and recommendation letters may be directed to: CGWI Fellowship Search Committee

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Q: Are recommendation writers permitted to upload PDF letters with electronic signatures? 

A: Yes, recommendations may be electronically signed and emailed in PDF form to the email address listed in the application instructions and WorkDay posting. 

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Q: I am experiencing technical difficulties submitting my application and will miss the submission deadline, can you make an exception for me?

No. We recommend that you not wait until the last day to submit the application. Technical difficulties often arise, if you do wait until the last day to submit, please allow for 3-4 hours to fill out and submit the full application. 

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Q: Can I mail my application materials and/or recommendation letter? 

A: No. Only electronic application materials will be accepted. 

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Q: Is the fellowship applicable for Ph.D. graduate students in the sciences?

A: The fellowship is restricted to scholars in the humanities and social sciences.

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Q: Is the Fellowship program open to international candidates?

A: Yes. The Fellowship does consider and accept foreign Ph.D. applicants.

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Q: What are the eligibility requirements for a post-doctoral fellowship?

A: There are two conditions for eligibility for the post-doctoral fellowship: 

1) Post-doctoral applicants must have been awarded their Ph.D. no earlier than 2017.​

2) Post-doctoral fellows must have Ph.D. in-hand by the July prior to the fellowship start date, which is July 15, 2023 for the current application period