Meet the Fellows 2016
Video from the annual event "Meet the Fellows" to welcome new members of the Carter G. Woodson's distinguished fellowship program.
Extended description of the Fellows and their projects (in order of appearance):
Tiffany Barber Pre-Doctoral Fellow (Art and Art History) University of Rochester "Undesirability and the Value of Blackness in Contemporary Art"
Lyndsey Beutin Pre-Doctoral Fellow University of Pennsylvania (Annenberg School for Communication) "If Slavery’s Not Black: The stakes of the U.S. State Department’s campaign against human trafficking"
Cory Hunter Pre-Doctoral Fellow (Musicology) Princeton University "The Politics of Real Spirituality and its Embodiment in Gospel Music Discourse and Performance"
Ebony Jones Pre-Doctoral Fellow (History) New York University “Enslaved Convicts in Imperial Spaces: Race and Penal Transportation during the Abolition Era”
Lindsey Jones Pre-Doctoral Fellow (Social Foundation of Education) University of Virginia ‘Not a Place of Punishment’: the Virginia Industrial School for Colored Girls, 1915-1940.”
Tony Perry Pre-Doctoral Fellow (American Studies) University of Maryland "To Go to Nature’s Manufactory’: The Material Ecology of Slavery in Antebellum Maryland"
Xavier Pickett Pre-Doctoral Fellow (Religion & Society) Princeton Theological Seminary "Black (Ir)religious Fire: The Literary and Moral Imagination of James Baldwin and James Cone"
Ashley Rockenbach Pre-Doctoral Fellow (History) University of Michigan “Home Exile: Banyarwanda Settlers and the Making of the Ugandan State, 1911-Present”
Petal Samuel Post-Doctoral Fellow Vanderbilt University (English) "Polluting the Soundscape: Noise Control, The Colonial Ear, and Afro-Caribbean Women’s Writing"
Julius Fleming Jr. Post-Doctoral Fellow (Africana Studies) University of Maryland, College Park
For a full description of the fellows' project, visit: