

Shaun Armstead is a doctoral candidate in the Department of History at Rutgers University, New Brunswick. Her dissertation, “Imagined Solidarities: Black Liberal Internationalism and the National Council of Negro Women’s Journey from Afro-Asian to Pan-African Unity, 1935 to 1975,” charts the understudied international activities of one of the largest African American women’s organizations in U.S. history.


Abraham T. Seda is a Doctoral candidate in the Department of History at the University of Minnesota Twin Cities. His dissertation project “A Contested Ring: African Boxing, Social Control and Subversive Culture in Colonial Zimbabwe, 1890-1980” examines how boxing and the boxing ring were appropriated by African men and used as platforms for cultural expression.

Batista Nascimento Gregorie

João Batista Nascimento Gregoire earned a Ph.D. in History from the University of Kansas. João is currently writing a book provisionally entitled For a True Democracy: Black Political Activism in Military Brazil. His work examines the intersection between the Brazilian Black movement and the process of re-democratization, as well as the engagement of Black organized militancy with the larger conceptualization of human rights.


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